Trash and Recycling Pickups Cancelled for Monday 1/14/19

Due to the snow accumulation, Howard County has cancelled all county curbside collections for tomorrow, Monday, January 14, 2019.  The slide schedule is in effect for the entire week.  This means two things:

  1. Recycling and yard trim will NOT be picked up tomorrow.  The usual Monday pick up will happen on TUESDAY.
  2. Trash will NOT be picked up on Thursday.  The usual Thursday pick up will happen on FRIDAY.

Please do not put any bins out tomorrow not only because it won’t be picked up but also because they may interfere with snow removal.

Additionally, if you have not already heard, Howard County Schools are closed tomorrow due to the snow.

Unrelated to the snow, please also be aware that this is the last week for yard trim collection until they start again in April.  Place all Christmas trees or any yard trim out on Tuesday to be sure it’s picked up.

Thanks!  I hope everyone is safe and warm.

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